ChemE for Humanity (CHEN E1000)

This course serves as an introduction to the role of Chemical Engineering in addressing grand challenges facing humanity. Students will address multiple challenges illustrating the important role that Chemical Engineers play in solving some of the most pressing societal problems, including but not limited to those related to climate change, biotechnology and medicine, clean energy, and sustainable manufacturing of chemicals and materials. Examples will also introduce students to the curriculum and opportunities to participate in departmental activities such as research.

(typically offered in the Fall)

Biochemical Engineering (CHEN E4660)

Application of engineering principles to biological systems. The design, development and analysis of processes using enzyme or whole cell biocatalysts will be explored. Processes of interest include those that are involved in the formation of desirable compounds and products (e.g. penicillin, antibodies) or in the transformation or destruction of unwanted or toxic substances. 

(now offered in the Spring)

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (CHEN E3210)

This course deals with fundamental and applied thermodynamic principles that form the basis of chemical engineering practice. Topics include phase equilibria, methods to treat ideal and non-ideal mixtures, estimation of properties, and chemical reaction equilibria.

(no longer offered)


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